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  • ChatGPT Cheat Codes: 5 Tiny Phrases That Make a Huge Difference in AI Interactions

ChatGPT Cheat Codes: 5 Tiny Phrases That Make a Huge Difference in AI Interactions

I wish I knew these when I started

One thing I definitely didn’t know when I started using AI?

That a few tiny phrases could unlock the true potential of ChatGPT and other large language models.

These five have been game-changers for me. They’ve been the difference between generic fluff and usable ideas. And they’ve improved my overall experience.

So now, I’m sharing them with you.

5 Tiny Phrases That Make a Huge Difference

  1. No chitchat: To cut down on unnecessary conversation.

  2. ELI5 (Explain like I’m 5): For simpler explanations.

  3. Think about things before answering - To encourage more thoughtful and comprehensive responses.

  4. Cite sources - When you need references or credibility.

  5. Focus on recent information - For the most current data.

I keep a running list of these tiny but mighty phrases. You can check it out here.

Have any others that aren’t on the list? Hit reply and share! 🙂 I’d love to hear.


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